Tuesday, November 10, 2009

states of consciousness (continued)

A few posts ago I wrote of 3 states of consciousness: horizontal, vertical, cosmic (or spherical). A problem with delineating states of consciousness in this way is that one may begin, in "class"ifying oneself to feel inferior or superior. Inferior, because one does not experience a particular state and thinks one should and therefore is deficient in some way. Superior, because one believes that one experiences these states and many others do not, so that one is in a class of one's own or else hanging out with the other cosmic nerd elite.

And yet these consciousness states exist (and others). What to do?

A way out of this self-ranking is to realize there is only one consciousness state that allows approach to and merging with our Source -- bare nakedness --a stripping of all thought, all imagery, all desire, all whim, all fantasy no matter how "wonderful" and "pure" and "good."

Reduced to ashes. And then not even ashes. Becoming as nothing. And not even nothing. All other consciousness states than this one are fantasies, dreams, illusions. Take heart. If it is to be named, a name for such a bare naked consciousness state is love.

Don't get all caught up in that though. Such a word sets off such a chain of fantasies that one may not surface for aeons.


  1. Thanks for shining a light on the darkness I keep stumbling through!


  2. Trying to describe something that is wordless,is difficult if not impossible, but needed in order to find little way paths along our evolutionary way.

    Maybe one way to think of pure consciousness is that it radiates in all directions all at once.
    The love/light is always there. Our egos choose particular spokes of the infinite and get stuck. LG

  3. Thank you! I feel like Patrick expressed words.
