Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Notes To Myself

In changing the name of this blog from Embodying Spirit, I am acknowledging that I am writing (especially lately since I have been "laid up" with this healing foot) "Notes to Myself." Looks as if I am engaged in some sort of post-post-post-doc studies of my own devising (there's no school out there that I know of that teaches what I wish to and am learning, and I probably wouldn't go to it even if there was). So I'll post my notes to myself as I dive and delve into the practical realities and principles of this Mystery which we bemoan and wail and rejoice in and puzzle over and often look to escape and avoid. No avoidance here though. Too far along on the path for such shenanigans.

You can chime in with comments anytime you want but as Chief Dan George said in The Outlaw Josey Wales "I shall endeavor to persevere."

Recent notes:

Inversion -- That this world which we so tout and fret over and give priority to is a econdary world, a shadow world we continue to make up, co-create, fall on our knees and worship -- a mass hypnosis worthy of Jim Jones. Inversion means this second-order reality is given top priority. Prime reality is regarded as non-existent or of no consequence.

Only that which our sciences (which view the universe through a constricted limited lens producing a contracted awareness) hold to be real is real. Science and a-theism are our newest religions. Contracted awareness is our "enlightenment." We have thrown out both the baby and the bathwater, but by Jove (wups, not supposed to mention gods), the pan we are left holding is of the latest technological design!

Being nobody is natural and fine -- In the eyes of "the world" (human-created society) we are supposed to be something, a somebody, to amount to something. In our heart-of-hearts, we know we are nothing. All that we are is given to us by uncreated grace. Beyond what we are given, in being called into existence, we are nothing. We are fine until we fall out of graciousness and begin looking at ourselves through the imagined eyes of "the world." It is then we suffer our (self-inflicted) doubts and fears and waverings and uncertainties. We have relinquished control of our lives to a fantasy. I am done with all that and have been for quite some time. I look through my own eyes, which are the same eyes as the graciousness that births us all.

Divine knowledge -- There is no room for anti-intellectualism in the discerning of Divine Knowledge (the knowledge and wisdom of primary reality). Fear or scorn of hard-to-grasp concepts keeps one intellectually stunted. Dictionaries, Google, encyclopedias, friends exist for good reason. If a person figures that because they can't understand something, then it is not worth knowing, that is the height of laziness. "Knock and knock and knock and the door shall be opened." Of course, a person may have more important things to do, like file their fingernails.

Conversing -- I must use ordinary logic to speak of the non-ordinary. I must use the language of the IHOP menu to order the Sublime.

Corpse-dragging -- If one does not have the will to know, does not have even simple curiosity enough to query, to question, to look into things, one is already dead and is just dragging one's corpse through the same old structures and strictures that one settled for long ago, just taking up space on the planet until finally found and buried.

Solitary bird -- Think of a solitary bird flying high. This bird is detached intellect. Not hampered by making a name for itself, by how it looks in others' eyes. Not weighed down or distracted by appetite (desires fleetingly fulfilled). Unencumbered by the bonds and chains of security seeking. Unconcerned with bodily woes. The bird, detached from all anchors, detached and with strong will to know, this will being its energetic propulsion, soars higher, breaking through all clouds of unknownness into the sunlight of Isness, the bright clarity of the Divine Intellect, the all-inclusive knowing, no bounds, from which it sprang, in which it resides, and in which it always Is.


  1. Thanks George. Call it whatever you want, its your blog, and it remains the same, in spirit.

    Chief Dan George is a favorite. "It is a good day to die." (Little Big Man)

    Notes to you.

  2. Me thanks you George, though I always thought of your blog as "notes to myself", even though it always embodied spirit!

    I like your corpse dragging comment. We often talk about dying before we die as in shredding our old freind ego, but there is a second way to die before dying, just quit asking.

    Think I'll keep on asking, feeling and just trying being.

    Glad all worked our with the surgery! And did you at least have a little fun in the hospital? Littlegeezer.

  3. sensei must die..... its out of my hands
