Monday, October 26, 2009

skootch-hop-skootch liberation

Back home after a couple of days in Phoenix for foot surgery. Cast on foot puffy-amplitude-worthy of Pillsbury Doughboy. All going well.

Skootched up stairs on my butt to get to computer for this posting.

Here is a journal entry from this a.m. --

(2:30 a.m.) Propped in my futon sofa bed, gargantuan bandage wrap around the bone-chiseled, bone-broken, re-set with internal pins, left foot lifted in air on pillows somewhere in the altitudinal proximity of my heart, body bent in U, I sip black coffee as pain pill chaser and read dense theological tomes of Meister Eckhart, who makes more sense to me these days than any other writer-thinker, underlining and exclamation marking and marginal noting with brief setting aside of book for aha! reverberations in consciousness.

Blessed! Truly blessed to be knocked flat on my back for greater revelations, deeper contmeplations. God is good. My friend, Mr. Walker, stands by with its ever-open invitation to move to fresh surrounds, kitchen, bathroom, living room. Skootch-hop-skootch liberation.

But it's the overall aspects that thrill. Enforced hermitage! What more could a man want?


  1. Wow that foot has a really good friend and Meister Eckhart as an ally to boot!

    Happy Hermitage,

  2. Welcome back. Follow Dr.'s orders and keep foot on futon. Thanks for the Sun Wheel, too. I learned lots looking that up. Speedy recovery.

  3. Yea!!! You're back! I'm trying to get the picture out of my mind of you skootching up the stairs on your butt. How was the return trip?

    Very happy you are doing well.

  4. At the risk of sounding uneducated, I have to confess I have neither heard of Meister Eckhart or have read any of his writings. I googled him and found, among other things, he was both a mystic and a pastor. He did not hold with flowery speech.

    Perhaps you can share some of what you chose to underline or to write in the margins.

    Maybe it's true that you are not too old to learn.

  5. Hey there George,

    also laughing at the image of you scooching up the stairs on your rear. i am glad you seem well. If you need food or other things delivered, or a warm burger and fries from the shop, just let me know. Take care, and heal well.


