Friday, May 22, 2009


  1. Each human lives in a web of fantasy.
  2. Fantasy that seems to bear fruit is fantasized as "reality."
  3. Mutual fantasy is called "common sense."
  4. Fantasy that bears fruit after the fantasizer has died is called "wisdom."
  5. Education is the enforcement of a certain set of fantasies.
  6. Folk with fantasies outside the pale are called "insane," "genius," or "good novelists."

1 comment:

  1. Toltecs call your "fantasy" the "Dream of the Planet." We are all taught from a early age to dream the same dream and only by dreaming our own dream can we achieve wisdom. But beware, the "Dream of the Planet" is very strong and wants you to remain a part of the collective. It can suck you back in the moment you lose awareness.

