Friday, November 13, 2009

mucking it UP

What I am struck with this morning is comprehending the universe forming into human-ness and the human-ness in turn opening to the universe, and especially in the example given in the Christ-figure. Though I have been deeply disturbed and outraged by what often passes as "christian," I appreciate my Christian roots with the insistence that the Source deliberately, purposefully took on human form and lived a human life. A good story any way you look at it.

The realm of the dual (twoness, oppositeness, splitness) and the realm of the nondual became as one. Here is the way Bruno Barnhart puts it: "The Christ-event is the incarnation of nonduality" (his italics, p. 110, The Future of Wisdom).

Something shifted in the universe. Now the door was open for new God-Humans to be born. The phenomenon of Christ showed it could be done, blazed the trail, opened the womb-doors.

The Light opened into the Muck. Now it is our turn, our responsibility, to keep the pathway open. We are the universe embodying. Our job requirements are to: (1) be aware of this, and (2) deliberately cooperate with the process, with the procession of these energies. We are the cosmos in the flesh.


  1. This is very similar to the way I used to tell my children the story of Christmas. I think I will start telling it that way again this season.

    An excellent reminder for me this be aware and deliberately cooperate with the process. It is good to remember who we are and what we are here to do!

    Thanks, George!

  2. "The Cosmos is also within us. We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan

