Thursday, November 12, 2009

a fig leaf hastily plucked

Self-pain, self-problems are a referent for "you," bookmarks of consternation to mark your place. Without them you would have to face the horror of complete nothingness. You cannot bear the possibility that you do not exist, that you are a figment of your imagination, a fig leaf hastily plucked and maintained to cover your nakedness, your naked essence. Better to be a suffering character on a manufactured stage than open to the vast no-thing you are.


  1. Einstein said Imagination more important than knowledge.

  2. I'm just a nowhere man sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody. doesn't have a point of view, knows not where he's going to, Isn't he a bit like you and me?

    - The Beatles

  3. Excellently relevant quotes, Kathy! Thanks!

  4. Those words took me deep fast, my friend...back to that place beyond words and beyond thought...where the loss of identity is the homecoming some call heaven and some call hell. It is neither. It is both.

    Whew!!! Thank God I have this suffering to cling too!! (:
