Thursday, October 1, 2009

attention attention attention

Whatever we attend to, we become.

When we realize that, truly know that to be real, rather than in our mind saying yeah yeah, and moving on to forage in other gardens, when we realize that whatever we attend to, we become, when we know this to be true, then we have found a simple tool of transformation -- our attention. It is right before our eyes, behind our eyes, and with our eyes -- our physical eyes and our spiritual eye.

Though it is a simple tool (whatever we point it to, it goes there), if the one who holds it is unsteady, it will point all over the place. This is why meditation and prayer and mindful awareness are such excellent practices.

Sometimes our tool of attention drops from our hands and we live in a fog. Sometimes we point it at ourselves, stare into its laser eye, and are blinded. Sometimes our slurpy desires get hold of it and point it toward search of satisfaction. Sometimes we point it at others and get all judgy.

Whatever we attend to we become.

My practice is to attend to the Buddha field, to Christ consciousness, to the Source of Wisdom by whatever name. Sometimes my attention wavers and I fall out of my practice. But I remember the Samurai saying: Seven times down, eight times up!

Whatever I attend to, I become.


  1. George, I believe this to be true. Thanks for reminding me.

  2. Tree, I know you do. You have the gift, the talent, which you exercise so well of employing your attention in becoming, in being the characters in the stories you write so empathically. All good authors, poets, wordsmiths are shape shifters. And it is done through attention, close deep thorough intuiting attention and listening to the imagic words that arise. Your stories show your skill in this way.

  3. You are very kind George. Thank you.

  4. Beautiful reminder thank you dear george.
