Monday, August 31, 2009

God's tricycle

One story has it that we are the descendants of the rebellious angels, the band of Luciferians who challenged God's seat as the centrality of it all. We were cast out, or really, we cast ourselves out, threw ourselves headlong out of the heaven of unity, of no-separation, of continuous orgasmic bliss into the sorry state we now find ourselves in. We did that (or rather our ancestors did, which amounts to the same thing a la cosmic /karmic/ genetic flow) out of sheer separative will.

We tore (and it wasn't a clean tear; the wound still suppurating) ourselves away and built this place in which we now live; according to this version of the story, a world of illusion which disappears (poof!) the instant we stop believing in it, thus finding ourselves awakening within the realms of cosmic bliss which we never left in the first place, it all being a dream, a nightmare for the most part, though like the frog in the pot of water with ever-increasing heat, we have gotten used to and don't even notice the boiling.

Separation, that's the anguish (and the pride! We are still prideful about it; look mama! look daddy! I can walk alone! Illusion, pure illusion -- no one walks alone), that's the anguish of it from which we distract ourselves by playing with "the 10,000 things" we have fashioned for ourselves.

We didn't get God's seat, but by Jove we have his tricycle! So we pedal around all day in our little human lives feeling mania and despair, trying to fill the unfillable hole while dreaming the impossible dream.

Not a bad story. Touches some nerves here and there. The ending? Oh, we eventually wake up. All is forgiven. And we are home. Home where we have always been. Meanwhile, all THIS is going on. So hop on and pedal that stolen tricycle you are convinced is yours. Look, mommy, look, no hands!


  1. And when the hole's still there and one knows without looking, that none of the ten thousand things will do - what, then?

    (I just want to see what you'll say. The words escape me.)

  2. Julie, see my just-now-posted "the hole that will not be filled." The question you raise is an essential one, of the essence, our essence.

  3. What I suspect is that the disconnect, the pain lies in seeing the void as separate, and furthermore in seeing it as a problem - that this creates a divided self, through failing to recognize oneself.

    It's a workable theory, at least.

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