Sunday, June 14, 2009

mass hypnosis

Bobo: I don't understand Christianity.

Tutu: What's to understand?

Bobo: Just because you believe something doesn't make it so.

Tutu: So?

Bobo: Christians say they are justified by faith.

Tutu: What does that mean?

Bobo: It means the reason their beliefs are true and real is because they believe them.

Tutu: Isn't that one of those taught-ologies?

Bobo: (Laughing) You mean tautology, using different words to say the same thing twice, though your rendition of the word makes sense too.

Tutu: I thought a tautology was believing something because you had been taught it.

Bobo: I think you will make a better theologian than I will ever be.

Tutu: But it isn't just Christians, is it? Doesn't everyone believe their beliefs are true because they believe them?

Bobo: I believe so.

Tutu: Sometimes talking with you makes my head spin.

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