Friday, June 19, 2009

the shroud of glory (revisited)

"Don't get the part about the clitoris of heavenly bliss and nuclear orgasm. Could you please elaborate in great detail in a future posting? Thanking you in advance. Steve"

(I was trying to say something in the original"shroud of glory" post and did not express it very well so I removed it for revamping. Thanks, Steve!)
* * * * *
Okay, I'll just write it in the form of a headline --


thus the reference to "the clitoris of heavenly bliss" (which in itself is a reference to the line in the Beatle's Happiness is A Warm Gun -- "when I feel my finger on your trigger") and its release of explosive power in the form of "a nuclear orgasm" with the Rapture not far behind.

Of course, the two groups will each go to different heavens
and no doubt continue their war with each other there
while the rest of us are granular ash on an earth that is toast.

P.S. The shroud of glory in the post title came from this line
in the original post -- "Fundamentalists live inside a shroud of glory, glory to their particular way of seeing things, and death to all other ways."

P.P.S. Another line I consider worth salvaging -- "Every human who thinks and fervently believes their understanding of the universe and of life on earth is the truth is misguided and not sane."

(An autopsy on the original post body leaves scattered fragments of tissue and bone, kind of like laying out and reading the entrails of a chicken, but I hope this helps.)


  1. Good Morning George :)

    I thought your original post was expressed very well. Watching the news or hearing it from radio makes me so nervous...i change channels if i am alone. can't take it sometimes.

    i remember this saying in the bible (forgot who said it or where in bible)..."Like a dog returning to its vomit" isn't that what we (humans) are doing?

    I don't want the earth to become toast and ashes...I want to live. But we gotta die first to live as i understand the zen masters say...cut your belly? I'm still thinking about the meaning of that one? cutting the belly means to die? right?

    ((Morning Hug))

  2. Good morning, Kathy, and hugs to you! You are probably referring to the warrior monk saying I posted over at "Warrior Notes" -- "If you are prepared to cut open your belly, you can shave your head." -- Suzuki Shosan. Shosan is saying that you can't be a monk (head shaven) frivolously or lightly. It takes the same dedication as a samurai warrior, which Shosan was before he entered monkhood.

    Yes, it means to "die before you die" -- to let go of ill-ooze-ion -- and thus truly live.

  3. yes I understand that and thank you :)

    and speaking of life... isn't life a nuclear orgasm, the clitoris of heavenly bliss? I love life.
