Monday, May 11, 2009

bingo caller

Dear Diary:
Tomorrow I begin my first action as a Volunteer (a capital V because I completed my hospice training and will have a photo I.D. badge - Ta-Dahhh!) at the hospice house as a Bingo caller for the residents.

The Bingo caller job description reads thusly:
  • Must be intellectually and spiritually incapable of coloring within the lines of accepted rules
  • Must be able to see the humor in most everything
  • Must have a clear loud voice
  • Must have an alphabetonumerical understanding (though deep comprehension, such as the origin of zero, not necessary)
  • Must understand that all who are living are dying and all who are dying are living
  • Must pass a criminal background check
I figured I fit the job description pretty well though I had some anxiety about that last item. So I applied. And feel right happy to have won the position! Being a hermit and social isolate, I congratulate me, my right hand shaking my left, patting myself on the back. Mama will be proud. I might amount to something after all.


  1. When I was calling Bingo at the retirement community a few years back, I had no idea just how serious Bingo could be to some (even without money changing hands). Quite a responsibility you've accepted.


  2. Dear Amanda, If seriousness is required, I may not last long at the job. I am sin-cere (from the heart) but not serious (from the grave). I am hoping that the hospice residents are the same. Love, Dad

  3. Perhaps we should all be labelled criminals, those who are dying in order to live. Jesus was labelled a criminal and condemned by the state. I wonder if he would pass a criminal background check if he were alive today? Just a thought your post provoked. Hope the hospice job is rewarding and fulfilling, George.


  4. And if by some unthinkable quirk you should lose your hospice accreditation before tenure, I’d wager that your heritage might open a seat at the callers’ table at the Miccosukee’s south Florida establishment. The last time I hollered down the hole at that totem, an inquiry as to the local activity, the DNA there resting hollered up “nothing”.

  5. You're on your way to being a priest.
    See you soon,

  6. George, congratulations on your new "voluntee" post. You will make a difference even if they can you the first day and if they do, can you imagine the stories that will be told of that first day? Littlegeezer

  7. I'm happy for you! :)


  8. George,
    I knew you would make a good minister...A Bingo Calling Minister... a new twist....Back when I called bingo raise money for our daughter's roller skating competition, it was at a smoke filled den. I am sure the site you call bingo is different. Congratulation on your promotion.

  9. Congratulations, George. It's a good thing you're doing.


  10. Your wit will be consolation for those that don't win.

  11. Thank you all for you and for your comments. Blessings! George
