Sunday, November 1, 2009

what must i do?

A recalibration is needed. A sharpening of focus. I have only this consciousness to effect change in the world. What are the transformations, the dedication needed? One person's consciousness counts much. More than all the guns, the bombs, the wealth of all the gold, precious metals, and paper currency amassed in one large pile.

This consciousness is all I have, all I am. I have only this consciousness to become the change, the transformation so needed in this world. First I must disregard all whines of protest against the values I know as true. I must trust my own consciousness, its spirit, its soul, its core. I must recognize that this consciousness I am walks and talks with God, my Source, my deep and intimate Friend. I must recognize and act upon the fact that "my" consciousness is fed by, springs into being from God's consciousness, that I and the Source are one, that I am not Him, but He is me.

The transformation happening on earth amongst humans now is like a great and ever-widening rift. Those on one side of the chasm are those who choose to stay in separative consciousness, who continue to live in an I-it world, where everything other than themselves is an it, devoid of soul and feeling, existing for one purpose only, the care and entertaining of themselves. That species of human is receding into antiquity and will die forever.

The earth now is birthing unitive consciousness. I see it in myself and speak for no one else -- an awareness of being at home in the universe. My heartbeat is the heartbeat of the cosmos. My breath, the universe breathing. My consciousness, planetary and cosmic consciousness. The earth is being reclaimed, restored, returned to the rightful place of kinship. Kinship with the vastness of all being. I see this. I know this. I am this.

What must you do? For you it is the same. You are a unique manifestation of the Source. The Source speaks as your heart mind. You know what you are to do. Honor your Teacher. Love and study the Teachings. Be a member of the vast Spiritual Community, both seen and unseen. Turn away from separative consciousness. It is a hellish fiend. If it is your individualism you are concerned about, unitive consciousness promotes, depends upon unique individuality and its full expression. Separative consciousness is a rubber stamp of hellish sameness.

A great transformation is happening. We are fortunate to be alive at this time. I will do all I can.


  1. A fitting message for All Saints Day, followed by All Souls Day tomorrow. Not that I put much stock in either of the latter, just that it is the "frame of reference" of my upbringing. I put much more stock and faith in your words. I believe what you say is true. I attach my self not to the messenger, but to the message, the words. I am walking. I am changing. I must change. As I empty my self, "I" feel stronger, but I am not I. I must reduce I. This is the Prayer I wrote yesterday.


    The I’s in my head
    Are such a waste.
    I wish my eyes
    Were in my waist.

    Thoughts in my head
    Are honking geese.
    I wish they’d leave
    And bring me peace.

    Clear my mind
    And let me be.
    Kill me, with

    Thank you, George, for your words, your spirit, and your sharing.

  2. DITTO!
    Hallowed be our names - together.

  3. I feel fortunate to be Here with my kin. This blog has been a wonderful way to find one another again, and remember what we have always known in our hearts. Thanks George for bringing us back together.

  4. Remember "The Lord of Light", George. An army of men can affect change or one man over several lifetimes can affect similar changes as well. Even if your body dies before whatever goal you have set is completed, your consciousness will just come back in another body to finish the task if it is meant to be. You can only point the way. It is for others to understand and follow their own path to enlightenment. On this "path", student and teacher are the same. Your words are much appreciated even if at times they resemble koans more than anything else.

