Tuesday, June 23, 2009

i love it

We are "thrown" into life and immediately begin our death trip. Along the way, we laugh and sing and make love and cry and moan and wail. Though some seek solace under a metaphysical tent, we all stand atop a bare mountain peak with lightning crashing all around. None of us know what is going on; what is at the base, what is the ground of this exuberant chaos of ceaseless birthing and dying. I love it. We are trapeze artists in mid-air. No knowledge of the bar we leaped from, no clear vision of a bar ahead. Free-fall, darling, free-fall! All safety net, illusion.

(For another depiction of this exuberance, see tengugeijutsuron.)

1 comment:

  1. I too love it; the Greatest Adventure i-magi-n-able!

