Tuesday, November 25, 2008

spiritual aikido

"Jesus, at the end, unites with the spiritual force that directs the entire process ... with the force that, universally and eternally, employs matter as a mechanism to ensure matter's dissolution. Seen in this way, Jesus does what ordinary men do not. He deliberately cooperates with this universal process ("God") rather than try to resist it or pretend it does not exist." --Peter Bien, Tempted By Happiness: Kazantzakis' Post-Christian Christ

Uniting with the spiritual force. Cooperating with the universal process. What people do not ordinarily do. Spiritual aikido. Moving in harmony with What Is.

Jesus gave us a pretty good example of how to do it. Most of his parables, teaching stories, point in that direction. Sell all you have for the treasure in the field. What can't go through the fire is not worth focusing on. Buddha and Lao Tzu and other spiritual aikidoists teach and model the same -- deliberate cooperation with the universal process.

I love that Jesus dude but not as some saviour out there who has an exclusive club on earth and is going to come roaring in with sword and flame. The Jesus I know is my Spiritual Aikido Sensei and has taught me most of all I know including respect for other sensei's.

Not everyone is ready to move in harmony with the universal process. Many are caught up in personal melodrama and have yet to become disentangled. Life has a way of teaching us though and eventually we get hit over the head enough to start to get the idea that our approach is not working too well.

"Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force. They feel no wear. They feel no tear. They need no mending, no repair." -- Lao Tzu


  1. Well writ. Yet, even Jesus spoke out. He may not have resisted authority physically, but he did verbally. We know the end result. Authorities fear Truth.

  2. Swinging the sword of truth is part of the universal process. The Japanese had at one time -- I don't know if it is still the case -- an aspect of their judicial system that recognized this. It was referred to as "the sword that swings itself."

  3. Flowing as life flows does not mean you sit and take it in the chops.

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